Integrated Platform Emboldens Healthcare Publishers to Monetize Global Inventory


Endemic healthcare publishers have been missing out on monetization chances by operating as a standalone entity. With a network-led approach, publishers can increase access to global visitors and boost revenue generating opportunities. A partnership with an integrated platform presents an equal opportunity for publishers of all sizes to increase profits. By providing partners with a comprehensive integrated platform for marketing efforts, sell-side companies are equipped to provide a greater global value on their inventory with a platform that will raise the ROI of digital campaigns.

Maximize the value of digital inventory during a physician’s journey

Healthcare and pharmaceutical brands are some of the highest bidders in the market, so publishers need to align with an integrated platform that enhances the value of their inventory by providing greater access to their target audience. As the focus in the healthcare and pharma industry shifts towards digital initiatives, the insights garnered via integrated platforms throughout a physician’s journey advances the learnings on which messages resonate with this niche audience. By providing marketers with a clearer understanding of a physician’s behaviors on digital platforms, publishers can raise the price of the inventory by placing messages at opportune moments for marketers. Doceree’s platform enriches publishers’ offerings with hyper-targeting capabilities to grow engagement rates for their partners by connecting them with audiences in the format and context that drives communications.

Optichannel capabilities to optimize campaign offerings

Whether it’s banners or videos appearing on digital platforms- publishers must ensure partners have a stable digital footprint that staves off channel fragmentation. With an optichannel approach, healthcare publishers can embolden marketers with the capabilities to reach a physician on an online medical journal, EHR, telehealth platform or another digital channel, while still positioning messages appropriately on the intended online destination. This capacity places publishers as a higher commodity with the power to synchronize messages effectively across the digital ecosystem.

With Doceree, publishers can employ communications via an endemic network to raise the demand in the market to sell off their inventory that will more effectively reach their target audience. With access to insights from a powerful integrated platform, publishers gain the trust from marketers to purchase inventory with the confidence that their marketing messages will reach their audience at the right touchpoint and on the most impactful digital channel.

Enhance inventory placements with AI-powered identity-resolution technology

By investing in a programmatic solution that is powered by AI identity resolution technology, publishers can extend premium prices with the assurance that inventory is positioned in the relevant context that will be of interest to their target audience. In this capacity, endemic publishers can more quickly sell their primary inventory with additional portions of their inventory being sold at an exceptional rate. Further, the support of data sets gained from AI offers a high-quality inventory that elevates the floor for the inventory to ensure it is sold in the market at a competitive price.

Publishers have comprehensive knowledge of their audience, but the alignment with an integrated platform enhances their capabilities to maximize their revenue stream. By advancing marketing offerings via integrated platforms, publishers can better monetize their channel by expanding their audience reach and foster data analytics that will optimize digital marketing campaigns for their global partners.

Text-Based Programmatic Ads in Rx Drug Marketing


Pharmaceutical companies face many extended time gaps in implementing their digital ad campaigns because they have to go through several layers of approvals before getting the final thumbs up. The Pharma industry is a regulated space, and having shifted to the digital medium, there are many hurdles that these companies have to face prior to successfully implementing their healthcare marketing strategies.

The global network of physician-only platforms, Doceree, launched text-based programmatic ads to help with this matter. With the vision of making Rx drug marketing more efficient and effective, Doceree’s primary aim of launching this product was to slice through the uncountable approvals, create an environment that supports digitalised healthcare ad campaigns and speed up the implementation process. Compared to the other industries, the pharma industry has been rather behind in terms of making gains by going digital, and Doceree wants to help these Rx drug brands adopt digitalisation globally.

Visual content increases approval time

The approvals that are required take a considerable amount of time to come through, which is what delays the digital ad campaign process. To add to the already-present levels of approvals, if there is visual content in the advertisements, it takes even longer. This is because factors like logo placement, colour coding and scheming, fonts, headers, etc, are all put under heavy scrutiny and reworked on time and again, until a regulatory-compliant ad is achieved. Further, there are specific branding guidelines that pharma companies have to adhere to so as to get the approval.

How Text-based ads help

To speed up the process of getting approvals and running digital ad campaigns in a much faster manner, text-based programmatic ads offer a very practical solution. They do away with the visual aspect of the campaigns and improve the time scale of the implementation process. Ultimately, it helps in facilitating easier optimisations which lead to efficient and effective digital ad campaigns.

Physicians and non-visual info

It is not true that only display ads are sufficient to engage Physicians. In fact, they consume non-visual and scientific information equally well, which is what Doceree took into consideration before launching the text-based programmatic ads feature.

Before coming up with text-based programmatic ads, Doceree had launched programmatic display ads, and it also provided an AI-enabled live dashboard to the pharmaceutical companies who could track their ad campaigns and get genuine results. The dashboard solved the – transparency hurdle that pharmaceutical companies face on a regular basis. By monitoring their campaigns in real-time, through a very transparent process, they could make necessary tweaks and changes mid-way to achieve better results.

Apart from delivering on their mission of making Rx drug marketing more efficient and effective, Doceree also ensures a regulatory compliant space for pharmaceutical brands. Being able to run digital ad campaigns without the headache of regulations allows Pharma companies to focus properly on their work. With these kinds of evolutions, pharma companies can now target physicians with unrivalled accuracy and get more meaningful results from their digital campaigns.

A Complete Guide To Programmatic Marketing Platform


From the early days of the printing press, radio, and billboards that enabled ads to circulate widely, advertising has evolved alongside technology, refining the ways in which advertisers can target audiences. With the dawn of the internet era, online advertising became a new marketplace to reach potential buyers. At first, it came in the form of pop-ups and banner ads on specific websites, with pricing negotiated manually with site owners. As technology began to influence our world, ad networks, and ad exchanges, began to appear as a place to buy and sell ads. And eventually, a more efficient way of buying and selling ads arrived that allowed companies to understand the success of their advertisements.

The Emergence of Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic advertising can be broadly defined as purchasing digital advertisements automatically, leveraging the algorithms and the machines, thus removing the human factor from the ad buying process, making the purchasing of digital space faster and cheaper. Today, advertisers are capable of targeting highly specific healthcare professionals. Ads are priced, sold, and bought via a real-time bidding auction that happens in less than 100 milliseconds.

What is a Programmatic Marketing Platform?

Programmatic platforms are platforms like ours that help with programmatic advertising solutions. Programmatic advertising platforms are part of the advertising ecosystem, where each part is responsible for its own stage of the process. The result of their collaboration altogether serves for marketing, analytical, and operational purposes, thus satisfying both publishers and advertisers.

All platforms are set in advance to simultaneously perform their job, as per the intent of programmatic advertising, to reach users from a specific target audience with a personalized message, just at the right time. These platform types include DSPs, DMPs, SSPs, and Ad Exchanges. Let’s look at kinds of programmatic marketing platforms to get a better idea of what each one does and who it’s for.

Programmatic Ad Exchange

The ad exchange is where the DSP and SSP come together for programmatic advertisements to be bought and sold. Some ad exchange systems, like Doceree’s, combine DSP, SSP, and DMP in one so that everything’s provided for both advertisers and publishers under one roof.

Demand Side Platform (DSP)

A demand-side platform is a type of programmatic platform for the advertiser side of the process. The platform enables an advertiser (pharma brands in case of healthcare) to place or buy ad inventory in the open market. A DSP stores third party data and user-profiles and combines information with bids from advertisers. The DSP healthcare decides which ad to serve and where and when the audience lands on the webpages. The pixel that publishers include on their website provides data to create audience segments, sending the information to the platform. Advertisers benefit from the right placement of the ad while publishers profit from the highest bidder winning.

Supply Side Platform (SSP)

The supply-side platform is used by digital publishers to sell, manage, and optimize online advertising space. SSP has a dashboard with in-built publisher controls. It helps them manage ad inventory (position, size, format, etc.), the price per impression, and other campaign details. SSP healthcare is programmed to maximize the value that publishers receive from ads.

Data Management Platform (DMP)

A data management platform is an independent platform that collects, manages, analyzes, and activates data. The platform provides comprehensive user profiles to advertisers so that the data can be used in a programmatic algorithm to target the right audience. Advertisers use the insights in combination with a DSP, but publishers use them along with an SSP.

Now, as we have understood different platforms in details, let’s see how programmatic trading platform benefits advertisers and publishers:

How programmatic marketing platform benefits advertisers:

Before programmatic advertising, it was challenging for advertisers to access ad inventory. Automation solved the problem by making it much easier to understand and buy ad inventory. Following are the benefits of programmatic advertising in the case of advertisers:

  • Transparency and control

    Advertisers are able to see what they are paying for and can control their advert placement on an advanced level. Doceree’s AI-enabled dashboards enable advertisers to track efficiency of campaigns in real time, providing them complete transparency, control and the ability to optimize for better efficiencies.

  • High efficiency

    The programmatic platforms give access to several networks and multiple ad channels. Via Doceree platforms, advertisers gain access to telehealth platforms, physician networking sites, electronic health record, programmatic email, medical journals, medical education sites and medical associations and target Physicians on endemic platforms where behaviour change is the most effective.

  • Advanced targeting

    There are plenty of options offered to advertisers to narrow the audience and to show the ad only to the people who are interested in the product. Doceree’s integrated ad-tech platform employs AI and ML tools that help precision target Physicians, delivering higher engagements and subsequent conversions.

How programmatic marketing platform benefits publishers:

With the right tools and technology, programmatic advertising provides publishers the opportunity to monetize their platforms by hosting ads relevant to them. They can also access arrangements that bring them greater revenues through distinct bidding types. Following are the benefits of programmatic advertising in the case of publishers:

  • Simplicity and effectiveness

    Publishers are able to optimize their ad sales with automation tools that reduce the time required to find advertisers. With Doceree, publishers can access a wide range of Pharmaceutical clients with a simple tech integration process.

  • Relevancy & control

    When visitors come to a publisher’s site, they will be served with adverts relevant to them because they’re part of the advertiser’s target audience. Doceree allows its publishers to stay in full control as they can customize where their ads appear and choose which types fit their site best.

  • Higher revenue

    It can significantly raise publishers’ margins, helping them earn more from their available ad space. On Doceree, only the highest paying ads go live and publishers can improve their earnings from programmatic advertising at premium CPM/CPC from pharmaceutical brands.

The kind of granularity offered by programmatic advertising is tough to ignore. Those who are already moving in this direction have to step up their game as for both advertisers and publishers, technology could be a big game-changer.

It helps in increasing efficiency. For Pharma companies, the whole process of healthcare programmatic digital media buying is to streamline the process and have a more significant outreach in lesser time.

The New Normal of Consulting Doctors Online


Telemedicine saw remarkable growth post COVID-19 outbreak; it is time industry players look for innovative ways of carving out new revenue streams to keep up with the pace.

Paul Smith, in his 70s, showed symptoms of the dreaded pandemic. He was feeling feverish, had a cough and difficulty breathing. Seeing a doctor in-person seemed dreadful, given his age and the risk of contracting corona virus. He was advised by his family to consult a doctor online.

Still reluctant, he went ahead. Dr. Peter Rosberg, an emergency physician from the Sutherland Hospital, saw him over a video call, checked for his symptoms and concluded it not to be COVID-19, yet advising the family to keep a close watch. He prescribed medicines and the consultation got over.

A week later, Smith felt fine, and went on with his follow-up consultation with Dr. Rosberg, well understanding this time the value online consultation offered him.

COVID-19 brings a paradigm shift

Before coronavirus outbreak, people weren’t very open about doing doctor consultations online as touch and feel was considered absolutely essential for a check-up. The doctor appointment couldn’t have been thought to be complete without the doctor taking the vitals personally.

However, the scenario changed upon coronavirus outbreak. The norms of social distancing made teleconsultation a viable option, especially for the elderly who were in the risk zone. On account of this, teleconsultation witnessed a massive rise, with players in the industry world-over reporting a significant spike in doctor consultations on their platform.

In the US, PlushCare, a teleconsultation app, says appointments are up by 70%; Amwell, another teleconsultation platform confirmed that since the virus hit the US in January, usage of its app has increased by 158% nationwide, and increased by 650% in the Washington state.

What next, especially around growth and earnings?

This is a question even big players are not certain about. While they agree there has been a significant jump in the business, they are not sure if the picture will stay like this once situation will return to normal.

Maintaining the cash streams running is critical for telemedicine companies. Currently, when their businesses are doing visibly well, this seems to be an appropriate time for them to consider more ways of creating wealth.

Pharma industry presents an opportunity

It is all about looking for opportunities. Around this difficult time, pharma companies are struggling as their crucial chunk of workforce – sales reps – is indoors owing to the lockdown and work from home guidelines. It will still not be easy for them to visit doctors even after the lockdown is lifted as healthcare experts (HCPs) would not be much comfortable in having a lot of people around in hospitals and even in their clinics. How then the sales reps can share the crucial info about their company’s products and services with the doctors? How then the doctors would have access to such critical information?

That’s where telemedicine players can provide a workable solution, one that would work a great deal for them too.

Let us take a look at a use case. Today, a physician commits few hours of his practice time on a telehealth platform. During this time, the app has already aligned few consultations for the physician, and the physician gives undivided attention to the app and consults patients, say around 8-12 patients in a 2-hour app consultation.

Now, while the chat or video consultations are on, a banner ad of pharma product can be shown to the physician, or while the physician is waiting for the next patient consult to begin, a video ad of a brand can be displayed. This can be done in a completely non-intrusive manner by smoothly integrating into the overall interface of the app and hence is a very good medium for pharmaceutical brands to reach out to physicians. If an endocrinologist is available on the app, diabetes management brands will be able to reach the endocrinologist while the physician is consulting a patient. This is the most targeted form of advertising on digital that is possible.

Telehealth platforms have always been creating consumer content, but for the first time, they can actually use their real estate to advertise to physicians with the help of platforms that are adept at precision digital pharma marketing like Doceree, the world’s 1st physician engagement platform.

This will help telehealth platforms to create a new revenue stream for themselves. At the same time, they will be able to fix a huge problem of pharma brands of reaching physicians effectively through the digital medium.