Programmatic Partners Elevate the Global Reach for Small-and Medium-Sized Healthcare Publishers


The walled gardens of large publishers often leave small-and medium sized publishers at a disadvantage to monetize their operations. However, smaller statured organizations on the sell-side can utilize programmatic marketing platforms to gain the benefits of data analytics to more effectively manage the content experience and monetize their inventory on a global scale. In the healthcare sector, publishers can gain insights on generating premium inventory by aligning with a digital partner that raises the value of their inventory by connecting their portfolio via a global network of advertisers and media agencies.

Monetize premium inventory on a global scale

Healthcare publishers are challenged to achieve consistent revenue flows when opposing large players on the supply-side. By partnering with an integrated platform, less renowned publishers are empowered with a greater reach of audiences with the solutions to introduce their inventory across global markets to advertisers and media agencies in the space. Further, the format of content and type of messages can be optimized to scale worldwide and increase impressions to garner a premium price and sell inventory faster. While portions of communities around the world may not have been accessible with an undersized sales team, a digital network of endemic publishers expand the opportunity to reach a wider network that will increase bidding and raise inventory rates.

Maximize global rates with first-class identification solutions

By collaborating with an integrated platform that connects publishers with global audiences, the smaller-sized companies on the supply-side are no longer at a disadvantage in the market. Marketing budgets for pharma and healthcare companies represent some of the most significant bids during campaigns. Within this very niche category, brands are willing to pay a premium to connect with their target audience. Therefore, access to Doceree’s AI-powered identification solution, ESPYIANTM, equips publishers to better contend against their larger competitors with the ability to implement data segmentation and analytics to identify behaviors and engagement preferences. With those insights, publishers are able to raise their inventory rates by providing their advertising and media partners will a more effective channel to reach and connect with their target audience.

Manage inventory across digital platforms on a single interface

Publishers need to maximize their reach across all digital properties to audiences worldwide to compete with more established publishers. With a programmatic marketing solution, such as Doceree powering a publishers’ inventory, sell-siders have access to a platform that enables them to integrate multiple websites and messaging slots on a single interface to effectively manage their inventory. In addition, Doceree’s dashboard provides real-time data analytics for publishers to monitor and control the performance of their messaging formats to maximize the ROI of campaigns. Therefore, the dashboard educates publishers on the behavior of physicians to instill their team with insights that will drive higher inventory rates for future partners.

With the advancements programmatic platforms can garner for small-and-medium sized publishers, the technologies can reduce the lead of larger operators in the space. By putting forth investments towards a digital platform that supports endemic networks, publishers can have their budget garner a greater reach worldwide that will positively impact their bottom line.

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How Pharma Marketers Can Better Engage Physicians About COVID-19 Vaccines

AI is Closing the Efficiency Gap in Physician Marketing


Now that pharmaceutical brands have adopted digital marketing initiatives during the COVID-19 pandemic, marketers in the sector need to continue to evolve and utilize AI solutions as part of their digital efforts to enhance the performance of campaigns. Currently in the early stages of incorporating AI powered analytics into marketing initiatives, pharma marketers should be investing in AI technologies to better understand the messages, formats and platforms that garner greater engagement with physicians.

Massive amount of data to fuel effective marketing campaigns

The transition to digital marketing just placed a significant amount of data on the plates of marketers. By gaining an understanding of how the data sets correlate to the success of an initiative, marketers can formulate more effective campaigns after deciphering the most impactful moments and messages during marketing efforts. With reports now detailing the capability of AI to identify factors in EHR data that are predictive of poor COVID-19 outcomes and mortality the volume of virtual records being confined in EHR is just one illustration of the insights gained from AI via telehealth platforms. With AI solutions like Doceree’s identity-resolution engine ESPYIAN, there’s a technology that provides marketers access to more than 150 different data points to better understand the digital behavior of physicians to more precisely reach and communicate with their target audience.

Understand the physician’s journey

A recent study revealed doctors are disappointed in pharma’s digital pandemic efforts Further, the research revealed physician engagement with remote sales meetings have risen from 11% to 47% during the pandemic. With an investment in AI, pharmaceutical brands can enhance their digital aptitudes. Pharma brands need to gain a better understanding of a physician’s journey to share messages with physicians that will resonate with them.

By incorporating AI-based learnings into a campaign, marketers can hyper-target physicians following the identification of the types of messages that a physician is most responsive to, as well as the platforms that they are most likely to engage with a brand on.

With ESPYIAN, pharma marketers become knowledgeable about the organization physicians are associated with, prescriptions that they write, treatments they conduct, their digital platform usage and messages they engage with and much more. Doceree captures those points in addition to their devices accessed, IPs being used, and MAIDs that belong to the physician in order to create a physician graph. By utilizing AI to gather a physician’s behaviors and preferences, marketers are able to more suitably develop, refine and execute campaigns. Doceree’s physician graph tracks a physician’s journey to optimize marketing plans for brands.

As a result of AI illustrating the digital footprint of physicians, hyper-targeted messages can be deployed to garner a greater impact for marketing efforts. An increased engagement rate will surely follow when the marketing tactics are devised based on AI powered analytics.

The usage of AI in the pharmaceutical space has a long way to go to reach its full potential. However, the more investment and support AI receives in the sector, the greater advancements will take place to further close the efficiency gap in physician marketing. As a way to better interact with a target audience AI is a tool that will advance marketing campaigns.

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