Script generation media: why it is relevant for life sciences industry


Healthcare professionals are continuously in search for information that can enhance their specialty knowledge to serve their patients optimally. And that’s where there is a big opportunity for life sciences marketers to engage with the HCPs and support them with relevant information — around drugs, therapies and research studies, at decision-making moments.

With life sciences marketers adopting digital technologies, marketers are always looking to generate leads via online mediums. When it is about lead generation, non-endemic platforms – a news, sports or a financial site for instance – are perfect places to reach out to the target audience, and get them to take a desired action such as downloading a whitepaper or a case study, participating in polls and surveys or visiting a landing page. So, what exactly happens in the end? The consumer lands a contact form to fill in the personal details, thus generating a lead for the brand.

These platforms can hence be also termed ‘lead generation’ media. But what works for consumer marketers for lead generation, can that also perform the same way for life sciences marketers? Probably not, as their goal is to get scripts, better known as prescriptions, written. For life sciences marketers, the final outcome for any digital campaign is particularly that. If non-endemic media can’t help them in script generation, which other platforms or media will?

Script generation media: Point-of-Care platforms ideal to drive prescriptions

Any platform where the HCP is not in close contact with the patient is not appropriate for script generation. Platforms where HCPs are actively engaged with the patients are ideal for the purpose. So, marketers should aim for sites like telehealth platforms, Electronic Health Records (EHR), rRx (e-prescribing) platforms and EHR apps, also called point-of-care (POC) platforms, to drive script generations. These are the platforms where HCPs are either tending to the patients, prescribing them medications or keeping their health records updated.

Post pandemic, the adoption of POC platforms among the HCP fraternity has increased. In keeping with the trend, life sciences marketers must make significant changes in the way they engage with HCPs. The chances of an HCP writing a script is a lot higher when they are targeted with brand messages during their clinical workflow. A contextually relevant message maximizes the outcomes of POC communications.

Equipping marketers to effectively engage with HCPs on POC platforms, the Doceree Platform enables three types of messaging:

1. Display messaging

2. Patient affordability messaging (involving coupons and co-pay cards)

3. Trigger-based messaging

Doceree TriggersTM is purposefully built to precisely identify an HCP’s journey on POC platforms and communicate them relevant messages at opportune moments of care delivery. The contextual and timely messages result in effective behavior change and prompt clinicians to take desired actions – that is, writing a script.

Our trigger-based messaging product captures appropriate moments in an HCP’s clinical workflow to serve them right messages at the right time. It empowers marketers to target HCPs basis various triggers:

  • Their patient’s demographic and coverage profile such as age, gender and insurance

  • Their patient’s clinical indicators such as temperature, blood pressure, pulse, respiration etc.

  • The HCP’s prescribing behaviour such as diagnosis (ICD), prescription (NDC) and lab tests (HCPCS)

Doceree TriggersTM empowers marketers to segment an HCP’s workflow using different triggers to communicate brand messages effectively for optimum impact. With script lift being the performance marker for life sciences marketers, script generation media will become an important tool for any brand marketer to miss.

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