Why Is Digital Marketing Essential To Reach Out To Healthcare Professionals?


Today’s world is moving at an alarming rate – new technologies, faster methods, quick fixes – the list is endless. People like convenience and accessibility, and the switch to digitalization enhances them to do precisely that – it gets the work done from wherever, whenever. In the process, a lot of time is saved as well. Apart from being hit by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, countries worldwide have also been hit by an enormous digital wave. This has only furthered our path towards digitalization.

Over time, businesses have realized the importance of online presence. Digital marketing to Healthcare professionals has slowly come to unfold as something that is imperative for both the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare physicians – especially now because healthcare is of prime importance considering the pandemic, and many people are looking for possible online solutions. For most Pharmaceutical companies that sell drugs and other medical devices, the sales process happens via their company’s representative. They visit doctors and sell the medication or device individually. However, thanks to COVID-19, the pharma sector has finally started catching up with digital marketing techniques. Here are a couple of reasons why:

Streamlining targets

Pharma marketing and consumer marketing are very different. They do not go hand in hand. Pharmaceutical brands have barely taken the digital leap to reach out to doctors and medical professionals. Using programmatic marketing platforms like Doceree’s, which is especially doctor specific in nature, the pharmaceutical sector can effectively target medical professionals and Physicians as per their products and services, thereby rendering a streamlined approach to their targets.

Using such AI-enabled platforms will only make the process faster as pharma companies will automatically get aligned with experts who might require their products. The entire process will save tons of time and money. The doctors can be targeted at the proper time with the right kind of content to get maximum returns. Apart from being just target-oriented, a digital platform can act as a medium that allows pharma companies to exhibit their products and services for scores of doctors to see.

Personalized communication

By using platforms that allow Pharma companies and the Physicians to interact, both direct communication and accessibility are taken care of. About 70 percent of people get in touch with businesses because of digital marketing alone – says a survey in Biz Report This one-on-one interaction also extends a personal touch to the whole situation, wherein medical firms and professionals can engage with each other on issues specific to their profiles, that too on a global scale.

Approaching via digital marketing means that one has to continuously develop new ideas to make the user experience more personalized and delightful. Though marketing to medical professionalsmight seem like an alien concept to many, it has actually become quite common.


Having a digital presence also gives space for online reviews and feedback. By pitching and selling their products to medical experts via digital marketing, pharmaceutical companies can get productive feedback from their fellow clients, which they can use to work on for their future campaigns and strategies.

The positive reviews also help in building the reputation of the pharmaceutical brand within the online medical community. This plays a pivotal role in shooting up sales, getting referrals for potential clients, and ensuring a more significant outreach. Hence, digital medico marketing will do well with an all-round approach.

Cost-effectiveness and efficiency

Digital marketing is very cost-effective. Usually, a lot of money is spent on the acquisition of clients. Whenever doctors or healthcare professionals meet a pharmaceutical sales representative, a decent amount of money is spent on every interaction. Doing this on a digital platform cuts down costs by a fair margin. The entire task becomes very efficient, and the money saved can be used for other purposes that help take the business forward. We at Doceree offer cost-effective marketing solutions to Pharma brands so that they can make the most of their time and money.

Effectively evaluate new growth opportunities with tech-enabled solutions

Since many Pharma Companies are yet to come on board with the whole digital aspect, the ones already adopting it can stay ahead of their competitors. Online work also enables one to analyze data effortlessly and make statistically sound decisions so that the business is positively impacted. Ad campaigns can be designed by analyzing available data to gain maximum response (Doceree’s AI-enabled platform helps achieve the same).

The more one gets used to the idea of Healthcare digital marketing, the content strategy too becomes extremely important and indispensable. Having an SEO strategy in place; having a website that is compatible with phones; conducting surveys to ensure best practices; posting images and videos; email marketing; digital ad campaigns – these are all the things that enhance the web presence of any firm or organization.

By using digital marketing platforms to reach out to Physicians, pharma companies can continue to cater to doctors’ needs without actually hampering their job of looking after their patients. This method creates a fine line between a doctor attending to Pharma representatives and their patients.

The whole idea of digital medico marketing is to stay at the top of your game with a good plan, and it helps in a smoother transition from one level to another. A digital marketing strategy will immensely help in making decisions that otherwise can be hard to make. No matter how reluctant pharma companies were to use digital platforms, COVID-19 has left them with no choice. Traditional formulas alone could not work for now. Therefore, it is safe to say that digital marketing to healthcare professionals is the need of the hour.

To know more about the services we provide, click here!

5 Reason Why Marketing to Physicians Is Not a Challenge Anymore


Marketing is all about creativity. It is about how one can align their products and services with that of the target market. It is about acknowledging the need and planting that desire for sales to happen. Since healthcare marketing is quite different from the usual, conventional, consumer marketing, it had been a little difficult initially to navigate the entire sales process in this arena. Nevertheless, pharmaceutical companies always found one way or another to squeeze in some time into the schedule of healthcare experts. It sure has been difficult to grab the attention of doctors this way because even after meeting them, their routine does not allow for a proper conversation or a response that the pharmaceutical companies expect. So, here question arise how to market to physicians?

However, today, marketing to doctors is not that great a challenge anymore. Digital Marketing offers new methods and ideas that are continuously evolving for advertising to doctors, and fortunately, they seem to be working well enough. Here are five reasons why:

Online Content

Using online platforms like Doceree’s to showcase products and services via good content is a great way to turn some heads. Adopting the digital way basically allows pharma and medical companies to engage doctors in their free time. This way, medical and health professionals can give proper attention to what they are reading and take actions accordingly. Digital marketing to doctors is a great way to share some good educational content – it can include information on how the products or drugs work, why they can be helpful, and the kind of results that can be expected from them.

Email marketing

Accurately targeting Physicians is what happens on Doceree’s platform, and since it works on a global scale just for doctors, the traction is equally good. Email marketing has turned out to be one of the most preferred modes of communication for doctors and healthcare professionals. In fact, they prefer it more to receiving mails directly, or being visited by sales representatives from pharmaceutical companies. This is because it is quite difficult for them to take out time from their busy schedules. Further, emails today also happen to be the best way to inform medical professionals about new products, medical technology, and matters related to the healthcare and pharma industry.

Information and Education

HCPs cannot be convinced with bare minimum information or data regarding a drug or a product. For persuading a medical professional that a particular product is worth their time and attention, extensive information needs to be given and all of it can be done via a single interface that that of Doceree’s. Often, several stakeholders are involved when it comes to making the final purchase decision. Therefore, providing a clear picture of how a drug will work, how it will help an individual, the clinical data associated with it – all these factors will play a crucial role in the convincing part of the strategy. HCPs also appreciate proper and detailed information, and hence, they like medical educational programs with respect to drugs and devices.

Programmatic marketing

Digital marketing and advertising today are mainly driven via big data, insights into customers’ behaviour on online platforms, and analytics. Doceree offers a combination of programmatic marketing platforms such as DSP, SSP, etc. so that all the requirements of the involved parties are looked after under one umbrella. Proper programmatic marketing, emailing or advertising can help streamline the target audiences for Physician digital marketing automatically and control the display ad purchases. This method traces the research trends of customers online to present ads to them as per their requirements keeping the opportune timing in mind.

Mobile marketing strategies

Doctors and healthcare professionals are on their toes all day – either they have to take care of appointments or scrub in on surgeries or just take some time off to rest. Amidst all this, it is difficult to spend time in one place. Therefore, it is not easy to make a doctor sit and listen to a pitch. This is where mobile marketing strategies come in – advertisements and messages go wherever the HCPs go. Having websites that are responsive on phones are essential. This is where programmatic email marketing comes in as well – not very time consuming, but enough to grab one’s attention.


One critical reason as to why pharma companies have been reluctant to go digital is because of non-transparency of doctor reach and results. Thanks to Doceree’s AI-enabled dashboard, marketing to Physicians is ensured, that too with real time updates on media campaigns. It offers full transparency apart from also increasing the efficiency for better, optimal marketing – that is, reaching out to prospective HCPs and also getting immediate results that can be tracked and tallied. This clears the path for implementation of future campaigns.

The markets today are very competitive and the pandemic has only made it more difficult for pharma companies to engage in the traditional forms of engagement and sales. Digital marketing is the fastest growing solution today, and the pharma industry is slowly making the switch – which will definitely bring in benefits in the future.

For more information on how one can effectively engage in Physician digital marketing, click here !

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