The Advantages of Hyper-Targeting to Raise Business Outcomes with Doceree Perform


A challenge life sciences organization face during digital communications to healthcare professionals (HCPs) is identifying when prescribers are receptive to messages, and in what channel. So, brands are tasked with implementing an approach to deliver content that resonates with medical professionals that will lead to the company’s desired business outcomes. For the healthcare professional communications category, Doceree Perform advances the measurement capabilities of life sciences brands to understand the messages that resonate most with HCPs and the platform that deliver the greatest impact when received by prescribers.

Analyze and comprehend the messages that lead to achieving business objectives

Life sciences organizations need to not only convey personalized content to HCPs but deliver the messages on the right point-of-care channel during their workflow. While prescribers are in the medical mindset and open to receive informative content, the monitoring capabilities of Doceree Perform empowers marketers with the metrics to identify the effectiveness of messages and the optimal channel to distribute content to prescribers on. In addition, Doceree Perform examines the data analytics of a campaign to establish connections between messaging endeavors to optimize communication strategies. With the utilization of this technology, brands are provided the ability to refine initiatives to enhance the results of the messaging program to ensure the company’s goals are being achieved.

Enrich communications during the HCP’s workflow

With the actionable insights obtained for life sciences organizations to employ via Doceree Perform, campaigns can be crafted to identify HCPs during their digital journey and serve precise messages that increases their knowledge within their medical specialty. Also, the elevation of tailored communication programs on point-of-care networks provides marketers will the intel to cultivate data-driven strategies to reach HCPs that will garner a maximum impact. Thus, virtual interactions are vital for life sciences organizations to enrich the prescriber’s experience. As Doceree Perform supports marketers with hyper-targeted information on audiences, then messaging initiatives can be deployed at decision making moments that will elevate communications pertaining to drugs prescribed by the HCP.

Utilize campaign measurement tools to boost script lift

Digital initiatives across point-of-care channels need to be compared to accomplish greater business outcomes. However, most organizations haven’t implemented a solution that deciphers program results across multiple networks on a single platform. Therefore, Doceree Perform opens data transparency in the market to compare the effectiveness of messages deployed during digital communication programs. By utilizing advanced technologies to not only identify the right audience but have the data analytics accessible, marketers can improve communication tactics and strengthen script lift figures. For the life sciences category, those brands can access near real-time metrics via the interactive dashboard on the Doceree platform to refine exchanges throughout the duration of the campaign to assure optimal business outcomes.

A hyper-targeting approach to deliver messages to HCPs on point-of-care platforms will elevate a brand’s marketing results. With Doceree Performs advanced measurement capabilities, life sciences organizations can raise script lift, while hyper-targeting HCPs with information messages that supports their treatment of patients to improve their health outcomes.