Script generation media: why it is relevant for life sciences industry


Healthcare professionals are continuously in search for information that can enhance their specialty knowledge to serve their patients optimally. And that’s where there is a big opportunity for life sciences marketers to engage with the HCPs and support them with relevant information — around drugs, therapies and research studies, at decision-making moments.

With life sciences marketers adopting digital technologies, marketers are always looking to generate leads via online mediums. When it is about lead generation, non-endemic platforms – a news, sports or a financial site for instance – are perfect places to reach out to the target audience, and get them to take a desired action such as downloading a whitepaper or a case study, participating in polls and surveys or visiting a landing page. So, what exactly happens in the end? The consumer lands a contact form to fill in the personal details, thus generating a lead for the brand.

These platforms can hence be also termed ‘lead generation’ media. But what works for consumer marketers for lead generation, can that also perform the same way for life sciences marketers? Probably not, as their goal is to get scripts, better known as prescriptions, written. For life sciences marketers, the final outcome for any digital campaign is particularly that. If non-endemic media can’t help them in script generation, which other platforms or media will?

Script generation media: Point-of-Care platforms ideal to drive prescriptions

Any platform where the HCP is not in close contact with the patient is not appropriate for script generation. Platforms where HCPs are actively engaged with the patients are ideal for the purpose. So, marketers should aim for sites like telehealth platforms, Electronic Health Records (EHR), rRx (e-prescribing) platforms and EHR apps, also called point-of-care (POC) platforms, to drive script generations. These are the platforms where HCPs are either tending to the patients, prescribing them medications or keeping their health records updated.

Post pandemic, the adoption of POC platforms among the HCP fraternity has increased. In keeping with the trend, life sciences marketers must make significant changes in the way they engage with HCPs. The chances of an HCP writing a script is a lot higher when they are targeted with brand messages during their clinical workflow. A contextually relevant message maximizes the outcomes of POC communications.

Equipping marketers to effectively engage with HCPs on POC platforms, the Doceree Platform enables three types of messaging:

1. Display messaging

2. Patient affordability messaging (involving coupons and co-pay cards)

3. Trigger-based messaging

Doceree TriggersTM is purposefully built to precisely identify an HCP’s journey on POC platforms and communicate them relevant messages at opportune moments of care delivery. The contextual and timely messages result in effective behavior change and prompt clinicians to take desired actions – that is, writing a script.

Our trigger-based messaging product captures appropriate moments in an HCP’s clinical workflow to serve them right messages at the right time. It empowers marketers to target HCPs basis various triggers:

  • Their patient’s demographic and coverage profile such as age, gender and insurance

  • Their patient’s clinical indicators such as temperature, blood pressure, pulse, respiration etc.

  • The HCP’s prescribing behaviour such as diagnosis (ICD), prescription (NDC) and lab tests (HCPCS)

Doceree TriggersTM empowers marketers to segment an HCP’s workflow using different triggers to communicate brand messages effectively for optimum impact. With script lift being the performance marker for life sciences marketers, script generation media will become an important tool for any brand marketer to miss.

Programmatic Partners Elevate the Global Reach for Small-and Medium-Sized Healthcare Publishers


The walled gardens of large publishers often leave small-and medium sized publishers at a disadvantage to monetize their operations. However, smaller statured organizations on the sell-side can utilize programmatic marketing platforms to gain the benefits of data analytics to more effectively manage the content experience and monetize their inventory on a global scale. In the healthcare sector, publishers can gain insights on generating premium inventory by aligning with a digital partner that raises the value of their inventory by connecting their portfolio via a global network of advertisers and media agencies.

Monetize premium inventory on a global scale

Healthcare publishers are challenged to achieve consistent revenue flows when opposing large players on the supply-side. By partnering with an integrated platform, less renowned publishers are empowered with a greater reach of audiences with the solutions to introduce their inventory across global markets to advertisers and media agencies in the space. Further, the format of content and type of messages can be optimized to scale worldwide and increase impressions to garner a premium price and sell inventory faster. While portions of communities around the world may not have been accessible with an undersized sales team, a digital network of endemic publishers expand the opportunity to reach a wider network that will increase bidding and raise inventory rates.

Maximize global rates with first-class identification solutions

By collaborating with an integrated platform that connects publishers with global audiences, the smaller-sized companies on the supply-side are no longer at a disadvantage in the market. Marketing budgets for pharma and healthcare companies represent some of the most significant bids during campaigns. Within this very niche category, brands are willing to pay a premium to connect with their target audience. Therefore, access to Doceree’s AI-powered identification solution, ESPYIANTM, equips publishers to better contend against their larger competitors with the ability to implement data segmentation and analytics to identify behaviors and engagement preferences. With those insights, publishers are able to raise their inventory rates by providing their advertising and media partners will a more effective channel to reach and connect with their target audience.

Manage inventory across digital platforms on a single interface

Publishers need to maximize their reach across all digital properties to audiences worldwide to compete with more established publishers. With a programmatic marketing solution, such as Doceree powering a publishers’ inventory, sell-siders have access to a platform that enables them to integrate multiple websites and messaging slots on a single interface to effectively manage their inventory. In addition, Doceree’s dashboard provides real-time data analytics for publishers to monitor and control the performance of their messaging formats to maximize the ROI of campaigns. Therefore, the dashboard educates publishers on the behavior of physicians to instill their team with insights that will drive higher inventory rates for future partners.

With the advancements programmatic platforms can garner for small-and-medium sized publishers, the technologies can reduce the lead of larger operators in the space. By putting forth investments towards a digital platform that supports endemic networks, publishers can have their budget garner a greater reach worldwide that will positively impact their bottom line.

Ways Point of Care Networks Can Increase Revenue


Once the COVID-19 pandemic barred in-person interactions for pharmaceutical marketers – Point of Care networks became the star as marketers were quick to adopt a more prevalent approach to advance digital marketing efforts.

As pharma marketers were required to become more reliant on digital structures to connect with physicians, publishers need to continue the digital momentum and capitalize on the valuable opportunities Point of Care networks create to reach physicians. As the marketing landscape evolves, Point of Care networks such as EHR, eRx, telehealth and secure messaging platforms, have become effective digital channels, giving them also the opportunity to increase their revenue. But how?

Monetize precision targeting

Personalized content is king for publishers to empower partners to more effectively engage physicians. When marketers share messages with physicians via Point of Care platforms, the use of personalized content garners the greatest impact. Whether it’s a communication to raise awareness about a disease or a new indication, targeting a physician via Point of Care platforms will expose your inventory to some of the highest bidders in the category. As publishers introduce solutions for pharma marketers to share messages with physicians about a diagnosis, prevention method or treatment option, what ensues is a digital medium that raises the value of their inventory to engage a sought-after target audience.

Raise awareness with physicians to drive inventory sales

The patient experience is the top priority for physicians. In order to inform physicians about the latest materials, healthcare brands benefit from aligning with Point of Care publishers that have the capabilities to present messages that resonate with physicians while treating a patient. In those platforms, physicians are in learning mode towards the patient’s needs and provide ideal moments for pharma marketers to share messages at premium rates. In addition, it’s a significant asset for publishers to employ a solution like Doceree’s Point of Care platform to deliver messages to physicians that aren’t a distraction for them and capture the opportune moments for pharmaceutical brands to connect with physicians. Further, Doceree’s AI engine – Espyian – identifies favorable times to communicate with physicians, so publishers can sell inventory faster and at premium rates.

Compliant and non-coercive messages to reach physicians

Regulations are synonymous with the healthcare industry and are strictly enforced with physician communications. Point of Care publishers have to abide by those industry requirements to share messages that reach physicians that are both helpful and informative. Marketers should never integrate a platform into their campaign that will disrupt the physician’s experience – an area Point of Care publishers understands when physicians are receptive to pharma marketing messages. So, it’s critical for messages to be presented to physicians in a non-coercive manner, while still ensuring the message is acknowledged. Doceree equips publishers with a programmatic platform that is industry compliant to ensure physician communications adhere to the latest regulations to optimize engagement about the latest details about disease awareness, treatments, products and more.

Increase Point of Care network sales with more efficient campaigns

In 2020, the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry spent more than $9.5 billion on digital advertising Therefore, the adoption of more digital marketing efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic has led publishers to enrich pharma marketing campaigns with more efficient methods to engage physicians. Instead of in-person meetings between physicians and pharma representatives, Point of Care messaging platforms present an opportunity for publishers to replace these in-person interactions with programmatic solutions that can be managed under a single interface. The embrace of digital methods empowers publishers to align with programmatic partners like Doceree to raise efficiency when offering inventory to target physicians with messages in a more cost-effective manner that will drive sales across Point of Care networks.

To learn more about Doceree’s Point of Care platform and all of our product offerings, contact Kamya Elawadhi at .

Benefits of Using a Point of Care Network to Engage Physicians


Last week, Doceree launched the first programmatic platform in Point of Care messaging to bolster efficiency and effectiveness in Physician marketing. When executed properly, Point of Care messages empower pharma brands to increase engagement with Physicians.

With Doceree’s Point of Care platform, messages are placed within our network that is native to the healthcare market, which garners greater results for pharma marketers.

A trusted target audience of Physicians to reach

Physicians have to login to have access to Point of Care networks, which verifies their identity for pharma marketers to target with a message. When working with non-endemic platforms, marketers are faced with bots being on the receiving end of messages, which can have a negative impact on RoI for the campaign. However, with Doceree’s platform, pharma brands have confirmation that their messages are reaching their target while they are tending to patients.

Context and relevance are vital for messages to raise awareness

Point of Care networks cultivate an opportunity for a seamless marketing solution that doesn’t take a Physician’s attention away from focusing on a patient. The opportune time to deliver hyper personalized messages are while the Physician is communicating with the patient. It ensures targeted information is made available to the Physician while documenting, diagnosing, and prescribing for the patient. With Doceree, the messages are placed within the context of the platform to not disrupt physicians from the task at hand and without forcing messages where unwarranted.

Physicians are attentive during patient interactions

Whether it is an interaction during EHR workflow, e-Prescribing, Telehealth or responding to a patient via a secure messaging platform, Physicians are most attentive towards beneficial options for a patient while in the office. During these various points of communication, healthcare professionals (HCPs) are focused on the screen to inform and guide patients. The content delivers insights to spread disease awareness or specifics about a new product, during opportune moments when a Physician’s level of alertness towards medical content is at its highest. Marketers that deliver relevant information to Physicians during these moments raise their likelihood to engage with the Physician about their treatment or disease.

Doceree is evolving with more efficient and effective ways to connect with Physicians across the Point of Care landscape. To learn more about Doceree’s Point of Care platform and all of our product offerings, contact Kamya Elawadhi at .

Alleviating Concerns About Advertising on Point of Care Platforms


The past 8 years have seen a rise in Point of Care platforms being used for marketing purposes by Pharmaceutical and Life Science brands. This includes messaging throughout the EHR workflow, ePrescribing, Telehealth, and secure messaging platforms.

In a few cases, these were platforms offered to Physicians free of charge or at discounted rates that were supplemented by the advertising revenue. However, today this has expanded to include paid platforms as more and more Physicians are looking to get as much of their clinical information from one place. There are more than 650 Point of Care platforms in the US, and more than half of these currently accept Pharma-sponsored messaging.

Platforms that currently do not offer this type of outreach to Physicians offer many of the same reasons for not placing messages, including:

  • Concerns their platform would look less professional

  • Concerns that Physicians may feel Pharma is forcing products on them

  • Concerns that these messages may distract the Physicians from their work

  • Concerns around privacy and legality

Despite these worries, Point of Care platforms can be rest assured that all of these concerns can be addressed.

Dealing with distractions effectively

Messaging placed in Point of Care platforms follow strict guidelines to ensure they don’t distract and make the platforms look like a blog or news site. In addition, click to action (CTA) will very rarely take a Physician outside the platform and away from their patient care.

Physicians at all times Pharma Brands priority

Pharma is not trying to force their products on the Physicians and will never tell them what to do or question the work they are already doing. These messages are designed and written only to inform and educate about new products, new indications, or provide disease awareness. In some instances, these messages can provide copay cards or coupons in order to help get patients onto therapy and make them remain adherent to their prescribed treatment.

Addressing the legal apprehensions

Legal concerns can easily be put to rest by providing updates to the End User License Agreement (EULA) as well as providing Physicians opportunities to opt out of the messaging on a platform, brand, or manufacturer level. At no point are patient or Physician details provided to the agencies or brands in order to remain HIPAA and GDPR compliant.

The landscape for marketing to Physicians is constantly changing and the more opportunities brands have to precision target the right Physician at the most opportune time in the workflow i.e. when they are seeing the patient, the better for patient outcomes. Doceree has perfected the way brands can utilize Point of Care Platforms for reaching their target audience with a professional look that doesn’t encroach on legal or privacy concerns.

The Point of Care landscape is changing rapidly, and marketers need to find new, more efficient, and cost-effective ways to reach their HCP targets. To learn more about Doceree Point of Care and all of our product offerings, contact Kamya Elawadhi at .