Alleviating Concerns About Advertising on Point of Care Platforms
The past 8 years have seen a rise in Point of Care platforms being used for marketing purposes by Pharmaceutical and Life Science brands. This includes messaging throughout the EHR workflow, ePrescribing, Telehealth, and secure messaging platforms.
In a few cases, these were platforms offered to Physicians free of charge or at discounted rates that were supplemented by the advertising revenue. However, today this has expanded to include paid platforms as more and more Physicians are looking to get as much of their clinical information from one place. There are more than 650 Point of Care platforms in the US, and more than half of these currently accept Pharma-sponsored messaging.
Platforms that currently do not offer this type of outreach to Physicians offer many of the same reasons for not placing messages, including:
Concerns their platform would look less professional
Concerns that Physicians may feel Pharma is forcing products on them
Concerns that these messages may distract the Physicians from their work
Concerns around privacy and legality
Despite these worries, Point of Care platforms can be rest assured that all of these concerns can be addressed.
Dealing with distractions effectively
Messaging placed in Point of Care platforms follow strict guidelines to ensure they don’t distract and make the platforms look like a blog or news site. In addition, click to action (CTA) will very rarely take a Physician outside the platform and away from their patient care.
Physicians at all times Pharma Brands priority
Pharma is not trying to force their products on the Physicians and will never tell them what to do or question the work they are already doing. These messages are designed and written only to inform and educate about new products, new indications, or provide disease awareness. In some instances, these messages can provide copay cards or coupons in order to help get patients onto therapy and make them remain adherent to their prescribed treatment.
Addressing the legal apprehensions
Legal concerns can easily be put to rest by providing updates to the End User License Agreement (EULA) as well as providing Physicians opportunities to opt out of the messaging on a platform, brand, or manufacturer level. At no point are patient or Physician details provided to the agencies or brands in order to remain HIPAA and GDPR compliant.
The landscape for marketing to Physicians is constantly changing and the more opportunities brands have to precision target the right Physician at the most opportune time in the workflow i.e. when they are seeing the patient, the better for patient outcomes. Doceree has perfected the way brands can utilize Point of Care Platforms for reaching their target audience with a professional look that doesn’t encroach on legal or privacy concerns.
The Point of Care landscape is changing rapidly, and marketers need to find new, more efficient, and cost-effective ways to reach their HCP targets. To learn more about Doceree Point of Care and all of our product offerings, contact Kamya Elawadhi at Kamya.Elawadhi@doceree.com .